Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Take a deep breath -

It's ironic to those of us in the reality-based community to hear so-called "Republicans" attempting to weigh in on political matters. A Republican I know slipped in some Rovian bile the other night, trying to disguise it as a critique of divisive politics. . .

The Republicans have abused the opportunity they had, and created greater polarization in the United States and the world at large. They have done it using election-winning tactics perfected by Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh, using scorn, broad brush caricatures, and lies to divide people and create a sense of desperate urgency. The Public Interest or Homeland Security have been the least of their concerns. Their priority has been to keep power and gut the Federal Government and our treasury.

I say "so-called" because to me, "Republicans" are like bored 7th graders pretending to be "Nazis" or "Communists" because it impresses the girls. They scribble SS symbols on their notebooks in study hall and on their bodies in tattoo ink, with no more than a comic book notion of what they're embracing - it's like the Goth thing. OOOHH - Spooky! Yawn.

The primary function of the Neocon philosophy is to destroy Democracy. Plain and simple. Because of the damage they have done to our Armed Forces, our treasury, and our credibility, they are traitors and criminals. Like Linda Blair in the Exorcist, they will spew toxic vomit in every direction to resist correction, but corrected they will be. Call them on the carpet. Make Bush answer the hard questions in broad daylight.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Santa Claus, the Mushroom Shaman

It's true! Santa is a Nordic psychedelic mushroom shaman! Read about it Here. I'm not sure if the small versions of the pictures are working - the big ones do.

Speaking of big ones, and invasive species, read this great article about Burmese pythons!

Merry Chanukwaanza!

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Plot Thickens

The planetary nightmare has eased up slightly, only slightly, in seeing the Neocons cut off at the knees; their incompetence, dishonesty, and war profiteering are being curbed. By digging in his heels, our petulant Presididn't is making sure that throughout history it will be his fingerprints on this mess.

The Limbaugh/Rovian/Fox spin is now "blame the media and the Liberals," for the catastrophe in the Middle East - same old yapping nonsense.

Dubby said that Brownie was "doing a heckuva job," as New Orleans was drowning. He said Rumsfeld was "doing a fantastic job," just before his incompetence brought about his demise. Bush's "certainties" always seem to be wrong! Could it be that his other certainties are gross errors too? Eight out of ten Americans seem to think so.

Anti-environmentalist Bushies prefer to live in their own waste, apparently. Are they the people living in trailers with 100 cats? No wonder they voted for Bush. They should stop being slobs and start being responsible citizens. Start by learning to read and write and becoming informed. We are 'defecating in our bed' on a global scale, and the Limbaugh-cons worship Fox News and gobble down the McLies.