Friday, August 03, 2007

Republicans Ecstatic About Minneapolis Bridge Collapse

Republicans are thrilled that there's something to distract the United States from the criminal activities of their so-called "President," if only for a couple of days.

Our country has been taken over by a fundamentalist corporate dictator who flaunts the law and the Constitution, who uses the U.S. Military as a political prop, and who is stealing us blind, but for a news cycle or two, all of that is on the back burner.

Rush, O'Reilly, Coulter and Malkin are busily scribbling out ways to blame the bridge collapse on the Clintons, the Tree-Huggers, and Al Qaeda, so their trained seals will have talking points ready after the dust settles.

Karl Rove feeds on his diet of excrement and shredded copies of the Bill of Rights, and Gonzo keeps on smirking. Now, that's leadership!

[This got flagged from Craigslist, so it must be good...]

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Correcting the Timeline

Neocon propaganda claims that to leave Iraq would be a disaster, and that criticising the war is undermining the troops.

This pretzel logic, restated in context, with the truth included, reads like this:

Iraq already is a disaster. The disaster began when Bush invaded Iraq under false pretenses. The troops are already being undermined. This began also with Bush, in his attempt to destroy the Federal Government and our Military Forces.

How much more will we put up with?


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Traitor in Chief

In commuting the sentence of Scooter Libby, Bush has shown many things.

First, that he has no respect for the Rule of Law, the Judicial Process, the Constitution, or the American People.

Second, he has solved the 'mystery' of who betrayed the identity of an undercover CIA agent [whose expertise was in Iraqi WMD]. He did. At least he tacitly approves of it. His own father, the real George Bush, for many years the Director of the CIA, said that "anyone who betrays the identity of a CIA agent is a TRAITOR."

The Attorney General is an incompetent, lying, partisan criminal. Bush shelters him too, because he's the biggest lawman in the land.

Bush's biggest challenge is the law, the truth, ethics, and patriotism. And competence.

Alberto Gonzales, Tom Delay, John Bolton, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Harriet Miers, Mike Brown - so many, many crooked, lying, grafting failures. How much longer will people put up with it? So many wrong predictions and falsehoods used to press us into a disasterous, bungled, expensive, and hopeless civil war. All for oil, and some naive notions about world domination.

Call your representatives. I did and I feel better. I told the guy that answered Allard's phone that his tacit support of traitors was a disgrace, and that he should take the United States flags down from his office. Also told the kid that answered the phone he should immediately enlist in the Army and go directly to Baghdad.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

"If only all of Rome had just one neck..."

Rupert Murdoch, it seems, is poised to take over the world. Then it'll just be him and Dick Cheney running everything. Like two ancient Godzillas they will wreak havoc, then die. When will it end? When will people evolve?


Monday, June 25, 2007

Paul Craig Roberts

The "Father of Reaganomics," this ultra-conservative economist and Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan, rips Dubby a new one. When ultra-conservatives start bailing on Bush, we know the truth is finally undeniable.

Here's a quote:

"The Bush/Cheney White House, which told the American people in 2003 that the Iraqi invasion would be a three to six week affair, now tells us that the US occupation is permanent. Forever.

Attentive Americans of which, alas, there are so few, had already concluded that the occupation was permanent. Permanence is the obvious message from the massive and fortified US embassy under construction in Iraq and from the large permanent military bases that the Bush regime is building in Iraq. "

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


It IS hard to believe that someone posing as "President" could be as incompetent and dishonest as Bush is, and our love of country makes us want to trust that our leaders have our best interests at heart. Sadly, this time, that's not the case.

The failed Presidency of the Bush administration is an illigitimate Presidency; he was crowbarred into the White House on the slimmest margin in the history of U.S. elections, and by fiat of a cowed Supreme Court. The Republican "platform" is a raft of phony partisanship and trumped-up wedge issues designed to appeal to wingnuts and win elections.

The fiasco in Iraq has Bush's fingerprints all over it; even now he continues to ignore advice of the adults who surround him, seasoned experts with viable alternatives to his childish Messianic delusions. Bush used dishonest scare tactics to start his War for Oil, and all of the hastily cobbled-together afterthought excuses about why we are there are as phony as everything else the Republicans have to say.

[They said we would be greeted with "sweets and flowers." They said the war would pay for itself. They said it would be over in 6 months. Every been swindled before? Well, you have now.]

There is no "winning" in Iraq for the United States. Silly Republican protests that we have to stay the course are ignoring the fact that the course we are on is a short trip to disaster. We can't even identify the enemy. Bush has NO strategy, except to further compromise our military.

One thing's for sure. The Democrats are not being forceful enough. They need to follow the advice of Pat Buchanan, and put a stop to this mess NOW. Bush and his cronies should be arrested for war crimes. We need to admit as a country that we have made a terrible mistake, that we've allowed a madman to take the reins of power, and that we have now come to our senses.

The Iraq Study Group has presented a comprehensive list of suggestions that the grownups in our goverment need to follow. Bush's approach is that of a drunken, cynical, spoiled frat boy, and is making a bad situation much worse.

There is no military solution in the Middle East. We need adults, people with negotiation skills, to bring the region to it's senses. The only ones who want the current anarchy are Bush and Al Qaida, both with their equally idiotic apocalyptic delusions.

Call your elected representatives and demand a public debate. Stop the Republican filibuster. Ask them how Bush expects to enforce Democracy in Iraq when he is destroying it here in the United States.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Global Weirding

The White House has finally admitted that Global Climate change is a problem. Dubya got concerned when another slab of ice fell off his mother. . . .


Being aggressive is great, but aggressively running into an obvious trap, like Bush did with his Iraq adventure, is Stupid. This current insanity, blustering at Iran, shows that he still thinks it's a game. The Neocons are "doubling down," thinking it's a poker match. The Bush "strategy" seems to be to create a conflagration in the Middle East; to reduce the entire region to anarchy. Hmmm, maybe we'll acheive independence from foreign oil by destroying the source?

In the year 2000, the world was on the cusp of actualizing it's possibility - of becoming a well-managed, prosperous global community with increasing equality of opportunity for all. Bush and the people who "elected" him are responsible for destabilizing that world, and for changing the course of history into a radically darker direction. Bush and his supporters represent the worst aspects of human nature. Their world view and the future they have set in motion is vicious, brutal, and ugly. And now, it may be too late to stop what they have started.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The "Tone"

The New York Post, mouthpiece for Rupert Murdoch's distilled, concentrated bile and cynical distortion, had an editorial demanding that California Senator [D] Barbara Boxer apologize to Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice for pointing out that like herself, Rice has no children in Iraq. It predicted two years of "pettiness not seen here in a long time." Utterly idiotic. I fired this off to them:

"Rancorous? Bitter? Petty? Below the belt? Aren't you describing the Rove-Limbaugh school of politics that you support? It's Republican pettiness that has polarized and poisoned politics for the last ten years. Now the Democrats are going to have to clean up the mess. Barbara Boxer is a Patriot. Condoleezza Rice is an accomplice to the most criminal government this country has ever known. She has aided the war-profiteering, incompetent, lying criminals who occupy the White House. She is a traitor.

You are traitors for supporting her and Republicanism in general."

Oh yes, and some thoughts on re-framing some current memes.

"Monday Morning Quarterbacking" is the derisive term the Republicans are squeezing out lately to diminish Democratic critique of BushCorp, and it reveals a fundamental flaw in Republican thought. Using sports terms shows that they still see it all as a game, a way to win elections and power. It is not a game. It is not "Monday Morning Quarterbacking," it is "Criminal Investigation." Something Congress has been disgracefully negligent about over the last six years. AND, working to lessen the polarization in the U.S.A. does not mean making nice and sweeping Bush malfeasance under the rug.

And "Hindsight is 20 - 20." Not, apparently, for Republicans. They keep making the same stupid and expensive blunders, over and over. They don't learn from their mistakes, because of their Rove-colored glasses.

One more. Dubby keeps saying "failure in Iraq would be a disaster." Yes, it would be. The bigger disaster is that we're in Iraq in the first place. The disaster began when Bush and the Neocons got us in there by lying to Congress and the American People.


Everything the Bushies have said has either been lies, or criminally incompetent. Why should we believe or trust anything they say now? Expanding the war into Iran would greatly strengthen Ahmadinejad's credibility and power, and cause grave damage to the interests of the United States.