Friday, January 12, 2007

The "Tone"

The New York Post, mouthpiece for Rupert Murdoch's distilled, concentrated bile and cynical distortion, had an editorial demanding that California Senator [D] Barbara Boxer apologize to Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice for pointing out that like herself, Rice has no children in Iraq. It predicted two years of "pettiness not seen here in a long time." Utterly idiotic. I fired this off to them:

"Rancorous? Bitter? Petty? Below the belt? Aren't you describing the Rove-Limbaugh school of politics that you support? It's Republican pettiness that has polarized and poisoned politics for the last ten years. Now the Democrats are going to have to clean up the mess. Barbara Boxer is a Patriot. Condoleezza Rice is an accomplice to the most criminal government this country has ever known. She has aided the war-profiteering, incompetent, lying criminals who occupy the White House. She is a traitor.

You are traitors for supporting her and Republicanism in general."

Oh yes, and some thoughts on re-framing some current memes.

"Monday Morning Quarterbacking" is the derisive term the Republicans are squeezing out lately to diminish Democratic critique of BushCorp, and it reveals a fundamental flaw in Republican thought. Using sports terms shows that they still see it all as a game, a way to win elections and power. It is not a game. It is not "Monday Morning Quarterbacking," it is "Criminal Investigation." Something Congress has been disgracefully negligent about over the last six years. AND, working to lessen the polarization in the U.S.A. does not mean making nice and sweeping Bush malfeasance under the rug.

And "Hindsight is 20 - 20." Not, apparently, for Republicans. They keep making the same stupid and expensive blunders, over and over. They don't learn from their mistakes, because of their Rove-colored glasses.

One more. Dubby keeps saying "failure in Iraq would be a disaster." Yes, it would be. The bigger disaster is that we're in Iraq in the first place. The disaster began when Bush and the Neocons got us in there by lying to Congress and the American People.


Everything the Bushies have said has either been lies, or criminally incompetent. Why should we believe or trust anything they say now? Expanding the war into Iran would greatly strengthen Ahmadinejad's credibility and power, and cause grave damage to the interests of the United States.

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