Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Disgrace of Tom Delay

January 15, 2006

Yes, the debacle in the White House is bad for the Republicans, and bad for the Bush administration and the "Bush Davidians."

But think about how good it is for the United States, the public interest, and the rest of the world! The sooner we remove the pestilence from our government, the sooner we can begin to heal.

The question is, after all of Bush's crony-assistants have been indicted, why should any of his judicial and administrative appointments be trusted? Why should any of his opinions be trusted? Why is he still President? Shouldn't we impeach him, now? Should a proven incompetent be allowed to fly the plane? How much more damage will he do in the next 3 years?
Here are some well crafted sentences:

"Tom Delay didn't invent the hyperpartisan system that has seriously damaged our way of government, ignoring everyday voices and concerns in favor of special interests. But he has championed that system, often skating on the ethical, if not the legal, edge and assuring that money speaks the loudest in Washington, and only with a Republican tongue.
It is a legacy of which he actually seems proud, which may be a bigger indictment against him than the criminal charges brought in Austin."

By CLAY ROBISON, Houston Chronicle

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