Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Neocon Strategy

When Bush says, for example: "some people say Iraq is in a Civil War," "some people" is code for Democrats or other White House opponents. In describing what his opponents advocate, Bush often omits an important nuance or substitutes an extreme stance that bears little resemblance to their actual position. He typically then says he 'strongly disagrees' -- conveniently knocking down a straw man of his own making.

Below-the-belt strategies like this are what Neocon Republicans depend on. What the Republicans revealed during their muckraking frenzy in the 90's was that the gloves were off, honor was by the wayside, and now we're fighting like girls - anything goes. Power at any cost. Any lie was acceptable, as long as it was on the Drudge Report long enough to metastasize into the unwitting old-media, the ones who still played by the rules. Subsequent debunkings were always lost in the blizzard of new lies. The Fox Network provided a sheen of legitimacy while imparting torrents of lies, indistinguishable from real news to the credulous, advertising-dulled trained consumer-seals that make billions for McDonalds and who support Bush.

The monumental falsehood that Republicans stand for Morality, Ethical Behavior, and Fiscal Responsibility has been shown for what it is. Attacking the media, attacking the polls, and dividing the country with their "Culture War," Neocon Republicans are attacking the very fabric of our Constitutional system. What a lot of people still don't quite get is that these are madmen. They believe they are God-Empowered, and that the Apocalypse is nigh. Bush is flippant and cheerful because that worked for Ronnie, so they're using it again. They have driven the ship of state into the rocks, and are now passing the buck to the next Presidency.

The Republican mantra that "The Democrats have no ideas" is idiotic. Bumper Sticker slogans are the kind of ideas they're thinking of, the only kind of ideas they have. "Ideas," rather priorities for Democrats are the only priorities a patriot could possibly have - to wrest our country back from traitors before it's too late. Bush denies that Iraq is in a Civil War. Our own ambassador to Iraq flatly contradicts the President. Bush would probably deny that the United States is in a Constitutional Crisis - but reality itself contradicts him from the foundation stones of our Country.

We can take the Country back in November. Only then will we be able to demand accountability from the criminals currently in charge. Prosecuting Ken Lay is not "playing the blame game" or "vindictive partisan politics" - the parallel with Bush is obvious. Criminals, war profiteers, and traitors should be called to account. For prime examples of petty partisan politics, examine Republican behavior, it is their stock in trade. If we can take back the country, we can begin the process of restoring dignity to our military, by getting them out of an untenable, demoralizing situation. Iraq will descend into chaos, whether we stay or go, it makes no difference.

Here's a Democratic idea: Energy Independence. We went to the Moon, we went to Mars, we can figure out how to stop whoring ourselves to crooked Texans and Oil Sheiks. We've cured cancers - we can end our dependence on fossil fuels.

And then there's Public Financing of Political Campaigns - we have to control the pigs at the trough...

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