Thursday, September 07, 2006

CBS polishes Dubya's turds...

They had Rush Limbaugh spewing his lies on prime time evening news. He made some glib, cynical swipes at those who question "a few little incidents at Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo" and then returned to the mantra of "good against evil, free against totalitarian" that has been used to lie us into this rhetorical armageddon that's been concocted by the Bushies to keep us cowed and to divert the debate from the failed Bush presidency.

Here's the letter I just fired off to CBS:

"I am FURIOUS to see how you have become nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Bush administration. Giving prime, “first in a series” airspace to a pretend-pundit demagogue like Rush Limbaugh is disgraceful.

It is an inflammatory gesture, and blatant pandering. Your fig-leaf of fairness left with Bob Shieffer. In his short screed, Limbaugh defamed the patriotism of more than 60% of the country and based his slander on distortions and omissions. Questioning the criminal negligence and war-profiteering of the Neocon occupiers of our government is our patriotic duty, and your propping up of a traitor who says otherwise is shameless, disgraceful, and treasonous.

You are giving credibility to a proven liar, and a close advisor to our most partisan president. In doing so, you are aligning with them and are obvious shills. I used to like CBS, now I hate you. You are traitors.

I will make a point to boycott all of your advertisers – though I don’t use pharmaceuticals, SUVs, or insurance, the three entities that own the Bush administration, and as we long expected, you."

And this emerged in conversation last night:

The War on Poverty [1968]
The War on Drugs [1981]
The War on Terror [2001]

Three disasterous Republican rhetorical "wars" that really stand for:

The War on the Poor
The War on non-corporate drug users
The War on Reason

There is a war going on - a war between Islamic Jihad-fury and Western bungling - with Bush as the ugliest American.

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