Friday, September 15, 2006

Simple Math

One Million Seconds is 11 and a half days...

One Billion Seconds is 32 and a half years...

One Trillion seconds is Thirty-two-thousand, five hundred years...

We are spending almost 2 Billion dollars
a week on Dubya's botch-job in Iraq, all on credit, indebting ourselves to the Chinese.

Bush's response to Islamic terrorism is making it worse, not better.

Going into Afghanistan was the right thing to do, but we should have finished the job instead of going into Iraq [for oil].

Bush's "Bull in a china shop" approach is disgusting and ineffective. Being aggressive is great, but only if you're smart. Being
aggressively stupid, like Bush, is a disgrace.

His supporters are credulous fools. Democrats will have to straighten
this mess out one way or the other, why not start in November, instead of waiting until 2008?

Bush has put the national tit in a wringer, and there are no silver
bullets to solve the situation. But with military leadership in the Pentagon, instead of draft-dodging corporate board room hacks running things, there could be hope.

We need to maintain a strong presence in the area [Kurdistan]
and let the chips fall where they may in Iraq.

Bob Ney, Ohio Republican, has pled guilty to bribery and corruption charges,
after arrogantly denying any wrongdoing for months. The Republicans are rotten to the
core, and the White House urgently needs to be fumigated.

The few Republicans with morals are finally standing up to the rot
in the Oval Office, Thanks be to God.


Bush/Rove/Limbaugh have divided the country to serve their own ends. The division they have defined and deepened is between those who believe, and those who seek the truth.

As believers, their biggest enemy is the truth. Today, Bob Ney finally told the truth. Many more Republicans and the American People will soon face more painful truths.

A recent Republican talking point is that "Bush is taking the long view," and "that in 20 years all of this will seem like brilliant, strategic prescience."

This convenient, phony excuse/evasion attempts to conceal the incompetence and hubris that created the fiasco in Iraq. When they first lied us into this mess, they said it would take 90 days at the most. Now they are trying to say it's a decades-long struggle. They want it both ways.

Donald Rumsfeld is on record, we learned this week, as having said he "would fire" the next person to demand a follow-up plan in Iraq. He was worried that if the American People were made aware of what was really involved they wouldn't permit Bush to invade.

We are now stuck in a civil war that we allowed to happen. Whoever we side with, half the country will hate us. Peter Galbraith, former US ambassador to Croatia, and currently senior diplomatic fellow at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, is the author of The End of Iraq: How American Incompetence Created a War Without End (2006), which argues that the U.S.'s "main error" in Iraq has been "wishful thinking" and advocates acceptance of a "partition" of Iraq into three parts as part a new U.S. "strategy based on the reality of Iraq" (The End of Iraq, pp. 4, 12, 222, 224).

Here's his latest op-ed.

Here's a piece about how the Neocons thought of themselves as being "creators of history" and scorned those of us in the "reality-based world":

Keith Olbermann is emerging as a powerful voice of truth. Here's his blog.

Sydney Blumenthal is always really good.

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